Alivelihood Circle

Alivelihood Circle

Note: I am no longer facilitating circles

What a time to dance with the big questions! Sustainable livelihood? Aligned lifestyle? Ikigai / Swadharma / Soul Purpose? Balance and harmony? The Great Resignation?

Whew! You are not alone 😌

I want to invite you to participate in a Livelihood Circle:


Small curated community of support

Wonderful folks in my network who are dancing with similar questions around career, lifestyle, and related complexities of our strange times. Aspiring artists and entrepreneurs, professionals considering a major change, visionaries stepping into their gifts.

Light, easy, safe, expansive

Each virtual Circle (i.e. session) to involve slowing down, dropping into our bodies, sharing what’s alive, riffing and bouncing and weaving, wrestling with paradox, following emergence, feeling connected to other wrestlers, walking away with some clarity or support or sense of belonging. Being witnessed, understanding more about yourself, learning from others, feeling purposeful talking about purpose.


Open to how this unfolds! Your creativity is invited. My inspirations for activating this Circle include conversations around The Great Resignation, circles I've participated in on writing and anti-racism, and my own personal journey to create an aligned and nourishing livelihood.

✅ Logistics

  • Text/Email Andrew to indicate your interest, ask any questions, share any ideas
  • Circle takes place on Tuesdays 8-9pm ET (I’ll hang around till 9:30)
  • Max 4 participants (+ me, facilitator) per Circle
  • Drop In. No expectation of consistent participation.
  • Donation based. If the experience is valuable and you feel inspired/able to contribute to my sustainable livelihood, you are welcome to Venmo: @Andrew-Dunn or PayPal:
  • I am also activating a Vision Circle for folks working on bringing a new project/business idea to life. There may be overlap between these circles in terms of conversation and participants.