

In coming years, I'd like to do some of the following. Let me know if you share similar dreams or have insights that may support mine! This list was compiled in fall 2020:

Learn an instrument and create music (incl writing songs and singing)

Learn more about my ancestry and visit ancestral lands in Eastern Europe

Share more of my personal journey through speaking and writing

Spend time with teachers of all sorts

Visit sacred sites around the world

Deepen personal connection with Judaism

Feel more connected to my body and emotions

Get to know birds better

Learn more regenerative agriculture and permaculture, herbal medicine

Dance more freely

Speak at my synagogue

Influence the fraternity institution

Influence the business school institution

Deepen relationships with family members

Experience a darkness retreat

Find more scrambling hikes

Support friends and family on their healing path

Support transformational work in the world

Learn about dreamwork

Visit Kauai, Alaska, Lake Atitlan, Iran, Georgia, Australia, Russia, Tanzania, Egypt