Learning Journey

Learning Journey

This exercise was originally designed to be something I coach people through, though you are welcome to try it self-service! DM if you would like support :)

The process is designed to surface:

  • The big questions you are actually asking
  • Blind spots and unlearning you’ve been hesitant to engage
  • Inner work to prioritize investing in
  • Shorter term content/classes/trainings/experiences/practices to support professional goals
  • Longer term planning to support life goals
  1. Complete Intake Form to locate yourselves in this moment in time and clarify key learning questions
    1. Responses can be written, voice recorded, or both
    2. Recommend 1 hour to fill out questions, vulnerably!
  2. Share Responses with a coach, teammate, or myself to create shared reality and begin to identify intersections
  3. Jam Session to map out knowledge, identify gaps, prioritize terrain for shared learning to support personal and professional goals. Using GDoc or process mapping tool like Miro.
  4. Learning Journey assigned (you likely will need the support of somebody else here, though I imagine you can do your own research e.g. crowdsourcing on social media)
    1. Recommended content, prompts, deliverable (blog post(s) or other)
  5. Integration Session(s) to check-in on Learning Journey
    1. X week(s) after LJ assigned, or when it feels most aligned